
“Developing independent living, personal and social skills through a wide range of physical and educational activities, in a needs led and person-centred environment.”

Our vision is to create a safe environment where disabled young adults can attend, meet friends, engage in fun and exciting activities, gain qualifications and crucial life skills. This is achieved by working with our experienced staff team and their wide range of skills, experience and understanding of disabilities.

YARS DAY CENTRE works in partnership with referral agencies and parent/carers to discuss and access young adults needs, devising a detailed action plan for each individual, regularly measuring outcomes and reviewing progress, in line with our mission statement.

The foundation of YARS DAY CENTRE will be built on 4 pillars, we believe these, combined with our mission statement will be crucial in supporting disabled adults in YARS DAY CENTRE. These include: 
• Health
• Lifestyle
• Social

Day Centre Quotes

Brilliant photos, and what an amazing range of activities for your young people. No wonder YARS is so popular xx

Loads going on, plenty of smiling faces, keep it up everyone

It's a pleasure .. I've loved every single day and months this year. Thank you. I couldn't do what I do with out you and the staff. You have been amazing

Thank you to all the staff who support the young adults and provide an outstanding service. Xx

Thank you team. I'm absolutely proud of Yars this year. I have came along way since 2 years ago. But this year was the real greatest growth of how we became even stronger then ever as a team. We had rise as a team. I do believe that Yars is in the right place. And we definitely do work like a F1 team. But thank you. Thank you for being amazing, thank you for being true. Thank you for what you do.

Thank you for this year and this term especially as Terence joined Your group on a more permanent basis I am so glad and greatful he has had so many good times with Toni Tom Debbie and Michael all the staff and young amazing adults

amazing group of staff and young adults and sure all there families agree your amazing guys xxx